SINTEB (Sistema Integrato Emissione Biglietti – Tickets Emission Integrated System) is a web-based informative system for the tickets emissions for freight transport, and has been realised for a company active in the freight transport management.
The system is related to the maritime transport between the ports of  Marina di Carrara (Italy) e Castellon de La Plana (Spain), a new route that links the main commodities flows between the Spanish industrial hubs and the Centra-Northern Italy cities. 

SINTEB allows the commercial operators to make online reservations/sales of the tickets for the boarding of freight-transport-vehicles as well as reservations of the cabins for the drivers.

The system allows to make different operations for two user profiles (from any device connected to Internet, protected by HTTPs technology):

1. Sales Agent 

Can check the ship availability based on number of passengers and vehicles to be boarded, as well as check the prices and enter the online voucher reservation and sale process. This process includes both the cabins reservation and the reservation of the spots to be occupied by the vehicles to be boarded. For that purpose the specifics of the vehicle and the transported goods are requested.
With the purchase of a voucher, the system allows the pdf print of it and the shipping to the related users.

2. Administrator

Can define all the system configuration tables, as:

  • Ships used for freight transport, with related charateristic (ship lenght, max weight allowed, bed numbers, etc.)
  • Vehicles assigned to the transport with related characteristic (type of vehicle, max and min lenght allowed)
  • Sales agents authorised within the system and related profiles
  • Customers

This user profile is enabled to define the travels and pricing calendar, and to interrogate the system about sold tickets statistics and Sales Agents percentages.

The system has been developed to be after integrated with other components for the management of goods loading and unloading phases and the accounting management. SINTEB has been realised using technologies that allows the managament of flexible web applications and which are very efficient for dynamic websites development:

  • PHP5 Programming Language
  • Ajax Technology
  • Apache Web Server
  • Server database MySql