About Us

Webgenesys is a medium-sized enterprise operating as a system integrator within the ICT, digital innovation, and cloud transformation sectors. Established in 2009, the company has rapidly gained prominence in the market by offering highly reliable technological services.
With a wide range of certified and cross-disciplinary expertise, Webgenesys now specializes in providing innovative solutions for the digitalization of flows and processes, catering to both private sector and public entities.

Our Mission and Vision

We innovate the Italian Public Administration and private market, leading the digital transformation with ICT solutions and integrated systems supported by applied research. All this contributes positively to realizing a world where technology serves human development, consistent with the paradigm of harmonious innovation aimed at promoting human progress and the stewardship of the common good.

Consortia and Business Networks

Business Network for Digital Transformation

Business Network for Digital Transformation

Since its establishment, Webgenesys has participated in the Business Network for Digital Transformation, initiated by Olivetti to bring together companies across the entire national territory that support entities and businesses in the process of digital transformation. This is the most significant national network agreement in the IT world led by the player Olivetti.

Net Services Scarl Consortium

Net Services Scarl Consortium

Webgenesys participates in the Net Services Scarl Consortium, a cooperative company active in the telecommunications sector that supports its members with instrumental services for the discipline, execution, and carrying out of design and implementation activities for TELCO infrastructures.

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Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

In compliance with Legislative Decree 231/01, Webgenesys has adopted a Corporate Code of Ethics to regulate the set of rights and responsibilities expressly assumed towards employees, suppliers, collaborators, consultants, and all those with whom it interacts in carrying out of professional services and services.

Download Code of Ethics
Download Anti-Corruption Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Webgenesys is committed to maintaining a high standard of ethical conduct and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. To this end, we have adopted a Whistleblowing Policy that encourages employees to report any suspected violations of our Code of Ethics, the Model of Organization and Management (MOG) ex D.Lgs. 231/01, or any other laws or regulations.

The Whistleblowing Policy is available to all employees and can be accessed at the following link: https://servizi33.it/WB33/WEBGENESYS/Account/Login
Download the information on reporting management (ITA)

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Webgenesys is strongly committed to diversity and inclusion, and we believe that gender equality is a fundamental value for the growth and sustainable development of our company and society as a whole.

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