
Over the years, Webgenesys has participated in experimental projects with scientific partners and public institutions, collaborating in particular with the academic world. In addition, the company offers specific technological solutions for the management of school and university services. Our clients benefit from a complete technical assistance service that allows for effective administration of educational services.

Empowering the education sector with Webgenesys

Our software solutions are distinguished by their ease of use and ensure a smooth experience for both administrators and users. Our aspiration is to help educational institutions become more efficient and inclusive, so that they can more easily achieve their goals and respond more promptly to educational needs. For this reason, we work with schools and universities and support their organizational growth path with a set of essential services.

Webgenesys solutions for schools and universities

Webgenesys’ support for the advancement of the education sector

Webgenesys can become a key strategic partner in the education sector, helping universities and schools optimize their activities and remain competitive. We provide our IT expertise, which is fundamental to improving the quality of services offered by schools and universities. For example, we implement:

  • innovative software that can promote the digital evolution of education and student learning;
  • AI based chatbot solutions to respond promptly to student needs;
  • effective digital marketing strategies to promote the institution’s educational offer, also through digital signage solutions.

Good meal management is also synonymous with organization, care, and quality, both in schools and universities. Webgenesys offers school catering services that simplify the necessary operations for families and workers, allowing cost control and improving the institution’s image both internally and towards the public.