Safety is always a fundamental issue for any society and organisation. Fire safety on ships, both commercial and military ones, is an issue that needs to be considered even more. When a ship is sailing on the high seas, the Emergency Services are too far for a prompt intervention, and the ship’s crew has to take action by itself. Thus, when, in case of a fire, the crew is more prepared on and more aware of the risks and the actions to take, the fire will be more easily contained and the impact of the event minimised.

The NAFTES project

NAFTES stands for NAval Fire fighting Training & Education System: the projects aims at enhancing the quality of the training of ships crews, both military and commercial ones, on fire fighting operations. The training will be performed through an on-line platform, called NAFTES, that will include the use of rich media, innovative preparation tools and AR (Augmented Reality) equipment, such as AR lens. The project will include  3 Workshops (in Greece, Cyprus and Italy) in which the partners will disseminate and show to the end-users the results and the capabilities of the NAFTES platform. The training will be divided in 3 phases:

  • Introductionary Training (IT)
  • Theoretical Training (THT)
  • Hands-on Training (HOT)

NAFTES is the first Erasmus+ project for IES Solutions.

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train gain experience, and volunteers abroad. Erasmus+ includes all the education-related programmes that went live until 2013. For the first time, this programme includes strategic improvement of the professional skills of the staff of organisations, organisational capacity building, and creating transnational cooperative partnerships with organisations from other countries in order to produce innovative outputs or exchange best practices. Under this area and the Key Action 2 (Innovation and Good Practices), lies the activity called “Sector Skills Alliances”, which aims at tackling skills gap. There are opportunities to modernise VET, exchange knowledge and best practices, encourage working abroad, and increase the recognition of qualifications. NAFTES lies under this section, since it aims at training professionals and enhance their capacities in a specific domain (firefighting).

The consortium and the partners:

  • GUnet (coordinator) – Greek Academic network (Greece) – The non-profit civil company called “Academic Network” (GUnet) is the network of all the Higher Education Institutes in Greece. was founded in September 12th 2000. GUnet has its central office in Athens and its members are all the Higher Education and Academic Institutions (20 Universities and 16 TEI). Amongst the institutes there is the University of Athens, that previously articipated together with IES in some EU-funded projects
  • HMoD – Hellenic Ministry of Defence (Greece) – The Greek Ministry of Defence, which will represent the Navy. IES previously collaborated with HMoD.
  • Danaos Shipping (Cyprus) – Danaos Shipping is a branch of Danaos Corporation, a leading international owner of containerships, chartering vessels to many of the world’s largest liner companies. Danaos has a fleet of 61 container ships, making it among the largest container ship charter owners in the world.Danaos charters its containerships to a geographically diverse group of liner companies, including most of the largest ones globally
  • IES Solutions (Italy). That’s us!


NAFTES will last for 24 months and will end in 2018.


The website of the project is available at