The project NETTUNIT (Net de l’Environnement Transfrontalier TUNisie-ITalie) aims to develop a fully operational platform with the use of weather alerts, air pollution and marine pollution alerts intended in particular for Civil Protection services, local health services and other Italian and Tunisian intervention services.
The NETTUNIT project will provide a unique opportunity to respond to the growing threat to the environment, in particular atmospheric and maritime. A solution to this environmental threat requires new, innovative science and requires multidisciplinary collaboration in order to find a common solution to this threat.

NETTUNIT’s common challenge is to strengthen cooperation between Tunisia and Italy in confronting risks and disasters that can cause serious consequences for humans and the environment in both countries.

The project aims to develop a fully operational platform to minimize the effects of atmospheric and maritime pollution from such an event and to promote a rapid recovery of the environment and of activities and uses. The data will be exchanged between the structures of the two countries to model the risks and the necessary responses.

Finally, the NETTUNIT project promotes the linking of citizens through an application for smartphones which will be used to receive alerts in the form of geo-localized data (maps, text, images, etc.). Messages and procedures to be followed depending on the situation will be translated and adapted for Tunisia and Italy. Depending on needs, the necessary information will be provided to users.


  • Institut National de la Meteorologie – INM (Tunisi) – Prime Contractor
  • Centre de Recherche en Numerique de Sfax – CRNS (Tunisia)
  • Hopital A. Mami (Tunisia)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR (Italy)
  • Intelligence for Environment & Security – IES Solutions (Italy)
  • Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale (ASP) Caltanissetta (Italy)

Funding Scheme : Cross-border Cooperation Program Italy-Tunisia 2014-2020

Total Grant: 1.066.000 Euro

ICAR Grant: 113.000 Euro

Application Area: IoT & Cyber-Physical Systems

Start Date  september 2020

End Date february 2023