Dagritess – Blockchain-based distributed agri-food technology for supply chain valorization and sustainability – Proj. no. FTE0000526 – Fund for the development of artificial intelligence, blockchain and Internet of Things technologies and applications, Directorial Decree of 24 June 2022 and Inter-ministerial Decree of 6 December 2021

Single Project Code: B37H22007090008

Area: Blockchain/Agrifood

The project aims to increase the sustainability of agri-food chains, with particular focus on the technological and economic aspects of primary production, recognizing greater value to agricultural companies, in line with the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy. This general objective will be pursued through three specific technological aims, which represent an advancement compared to the consolidated use of blockchain in the agri-food sector: (i) privacy management on data uploaded to blockchain, (ii) the intelligibility of smart contracts, (iii) the management of real rights on agri-food products and the data associated with them through NFTs.

Partners: SEEDS Srl, Webgenesys SpA, Università degli Studi di Palermo

dagritess progetto sostenibilità filiere agroalimentari